AWARDS INNOCEAN is achieving continuous growth on the global stage, and being recognized at global creative award shows.
Year 20242023 All Awards AdFestCLIO D&ADMAD StarsOne ShowSpikes AsiaThe Work Part Brand Experience & Activation StarsDesignDigital + OnlineDigital CraftDiverse Insignts StarsENERGY, SANITATION & SUSTAINABLE...EntertainmentExperiential & Immersive: Immers...Experiential + ImmersiveFilm/TV Craft - CinematographyFilm/TV Craft - DirectionHEALTH & WELL-BEINGHealthcareImpact / Local SolutionMediaMedia StarsOut of HomeSpatial Design / Creative Use of...Spatial Design / Public SpacesUSE OF AMBIENT: LARGE SCALEWork for Good Year Award Part Project